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Alan I think that would be a great idea, if we could all get together and go to the town hall and try to get some answers. As has already been said, the summer season will be over before anything is sorted out.

La Marina

Hi Nikki, did you ever find out when the night market at Guardamar finishes?

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:56:23 UTC

It might be a good idea that you keep your head under the parapit?
Only a few weeks ago there was an afternoon charity do at your pub with hundreds of people outside, music, stalls etc. All of this without police interference!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 19:03:30 UTC

Hi Julie No Inever did find out about the market. Do you know anything about it?

Angelique yes you are right in what you say. As I have said before we are very lucky on the whole, that the police dont bother us to much, but then we try to be considerate and keep the music low, doors closed etc. The fun day was obviously outside for us to be able to have that many people present. Again I dont think the music was overly loud and the singers were finished around 8.30pm as it was an afternoon event. I just think it would be nice if everyone knew where they stood and maybe then we could have more entertainment without fear of being fined.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-07-22 23:19:18 UTC

Hi Nikki
When I went to see Jeff Wiszniewski he made the statement to me that he thought it a good idea that a meeting was held between himself and all local interested Bars Entertainment operators. It is obvious that nothing has been done. Many bar owners take on the policy of keeping there heads down, but a time has to come when this is all sorted out for the good of every one. If Jeff is not over interested in making this happen perhaps a couple of bar owners should make the first move.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-23 07:40:32 UTC

According to the Leader you can all open until 02.30. Perish the thought.

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2011-07-24 15:33:00 UTC

Thank you Nikki for letting me know that it was a great idea.Unfortunately hardly any body else put forward the same feelings on this forum,which surprised me because quite a few complained about having to put up with the police tactics of ordering bars turn down music on what seems like a whim.
Obviously unless a large turn out could of been guaranteed,at the council offices,the idea of a protest is a non starter..

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-24 16:15:07 UTC

Alan / Nikki,
I think myself the landlords are there own worst enemies. Instead of getting together they guard their own territories.
From what I have seen and heard I believe that the landlords are afraid to take up a discussion with our local police, alternativly they are keeping their heads down because they are not being affected by the police.
At the same time they are always very quick to tell you which pubs were visited last night and who got denuncias.
From what I have seen myself their are few if any visits to Grey Area. Woodstock, White Swan and Anandas have music blaring out, doors open until early hours with no police problems and Ramons recently held an entire wedding with live music outside until approx 12 midnight whereas Bar Stop has been suffering from a vendeta with one householder for years, the minute music is played the police come.
Surely it is in everyones interest to standardise the rules, is it not?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 05:57:59 UTC

Bed and Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast in a finca, outside Los Montesinos.25 Euro/person. For more info call 965050692.




If you speak to Paul Hamnett at Pocomobel or Moncayo Market at the end of the Lemon Tree road he deals in that and is brilliant, straight and honest.

Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-23 22:14:09 UTC

Thank you for your reply. Would you have a contact Tel. No. ? If not I´ll pop over next Sunday and see if I can find him.
Regards. Sandra

Commented Sandra Bernice Knott in Quesada 2011-07-24 13:41:53 UTC

I have not got a phone number for him but will send him your email address and get Paul to contact you. Hope that helps

Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-24 21:48:43 UTC

Sky HD/3D package

Receive all sports, movies, docs, kids and all pay 2 view sporting events + all available HD channels including sky 3D. All for 20 euros p/m, use with your existing satellite dish. 634 341 955 [email protected]


Hi Everybody
ive noticed over the last couple of weeks the forum seems to have gone quiet. Im guessing this is because your all in full swing with the summer season, maybe with family and friends out there on quesada taking up all your time in the nicest possible way or maybe youve gone back to uk to avoid the high temperatures.
Anyway it would be good to hear what youre all doing with yourselves at the moment and in particular anything nice or any new stuff thats happening on quesada

kind regards for a great summer !


On maps in Google, most of Quesada is at street level. I think it was filmed in April this year.

Commented mjf89 in Quesada 2011-07-23 08:44:24 UTC

We're still here, it's gone quiet I think because adverts are no longer allowed, hopefully we'll now get people back posting stuff. We're enjoying the summer, not doing much at the moment but my first visitors are due next Friday so for end of of July through August, we'll be busy entertaining and BBQing, can't wait. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-07-23 17:27:23 UTC

Hi Maz
thank you for response its good to know youre well ! I think the lack of ads may have played a part and I do hope users will continue to put their ads in the correct the place as this makes more sense.

Personally I have enjoyed the site very much since it was re launched earlier in the year, also I have been able to make good use of the information advice and guidance provided by the forum users and long may that continue.

In the meantime Maz do enjoy your summer, I will be out there from august bank holiday weekend for a couple of weeks so I am really looking forward to that

Maybe after the main summer season we can all have discussion on "What I did this Summer"

Kind regards

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-07-24 17:12:03 UTC

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Welcome Back

welcome back to the forum Angelique and Julie,I have spent the last week reading and even sometimes replying to the non political comments that have been made on this forum,I must admit that although some of them were interesting,nothing got me wound up like our council debates,I tried to go along with a few comments that didnt want heavy political stuff on this forum but have come to the conclusion that local politics is important to everyone on La Marina Urbs,and we shouldnt be gagged in giving our comments.So go for it and see how many people can give their opinions of what we want La Marina Urbs to be

La Marina

I make no apology, however, I do agree that local politics, the welfare of us all on La Marina Urb is far more motivating for myself than stories about aolie, bread and waiters or some of the other comments in here that do not excite me at all!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 16:18:51 UTC

I take it you're referring to me Angelique about the waiter trying to take my bread/ali oli away when I was still eating. Well I thought other people should be warned if they intended to go to this particular, quite expensive restaurant - I see no crime in that. That's what makes a forum successful - a variety of different subjects - NOT just politics all the time !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-21 20:15:18 UTC

If this forum was just about politics, then I would not bother posting anymore, some people have more interesting things in their life!!!! Like great family and friends and enjoying life with them, as well and chilling and enjoying retirement and spreading valuablle information to like minded people and finally enjoying walking dogs for S.A.T.s - we have a wonderful life and do not need politics - but hey hoo each to their own - enjoy your postings.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-21 20:51:51 UTC

Sadly Linda our lives are run by politics - its no different here than it is in England. They all look after themselves first.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:04:18 UTC

regretably life is so! It is so important that we continue to make our politicians aware of our needs and thoughts.
However, I do also agree with Linda that other matters are important also.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:52:47 UTC

I would like to see The Council take over all the Parques which don't have committees. I was under the impression that if you had street lights then the council was responsible for the other work. I have asked in the solicitors office why I was not told about the parque being private when we bought on it. The lady in the office said she thought it was owned by the council. As it is the biggest Parque on the Urb and there are probably about 10 different nationalities on there and probably 50 per cent are holiday homes, you have to be quite an intelligent person to start up a committee, me I'm to busy. It looks as if we are going to have to pay up and shut up.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-23 16:43:03 UTC

One of my houses is in a cul-de-sac and the road was a real mess.
The residents decided to discuss this problem with the council whereby it was suggested to us that this problem should be taken up with what was then a newly formed Residents Association.
We met these people at Dos Mas Bar and told them of our difficulties which would be taken up directly by them with Trini Martinez at the next meeting and we would get the results of this meeting in exactly one week.
I might add that in the cul-de-sac we have street lighting which has been maintained by the council.
We were informed that, if you look at the entrance of the cul-de-sac, the pavement is either two colour as are all pavements or solid red. If the pavement is solid red then everything inside the cul-de-sac is the residents responsibility otherwise the council is responsible.
The result was that we had a red pavement and we paid for our road to be re-surfaced.
We did have, about 15 years ago a community for, I believe 85 or so houses, however, it was decided by the council of the time that they would take the residual funds from our community and accept responsibilty for the entire community as it was then.
According to the Residents Association had Trini been re-elected it was her intention to re-instate all of the communities so that the residents would again be responsible thus saving monies for the council.
That is the story as I understood it about two years ago.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-24 06:15:26 UTC

No red pavements on our Parque.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-24 16:08:54 UTC

Then you should not have a problem?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-24 16:13:48 UTC

local bar for sale

Bar still for sale....please check this out as its a bargin!!!

The Lime Bar & Restaurant is for SALE
The Lime Bar and Restaurant is FOR SALE Situated within one of the busiest streets in Ciudad Quesada, the Lime Bar is the largest (600sqm) and classiest venue in town. Boasting a huge terrace (300sqm) with spectacular views of the Crevillente mountains - the Lime Bar and Restaurant can cater for over 300 diners at any one point and has consistently achieved this number over the last 2 years. The recently refurbished A La Carte restaurant also offers our loyal clientele a unique dining experience with exciting menus For more information log onto our for sale page www.limebarforsale.moonfruit.c​om or view our current website for menu options​m or call us on 0034 965077444

Hey Folks

hey everyone
hope all are ok and not melting to much in this heat?!!!

so wots new in your area? any forth coming events? please let us know on here and i will try and get the word out as far and wide as i can....look forward to hearing all the goss!!!

speak soon readers

ttfn Chris xxx

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Hi Ian
when you say Algorfa it may well be in your interest to mention Lo Crispin and Montebello as we come under that heading but we dont get listed anywhere and there are lots of propeties here for sale and rent?...maybe worth your while? if you need any more info contact me and ill help as much as i can! my e-mail address is under contacts ok.

Chris admin Algorfa site

Commented Christine Davies in Torrevieja 2011-07-24 15:16:17 UTC
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