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Holidays......Book your Holiday here

Golden Mile Accommadation
Accommodation Rental Properties
Holiday Homes

Apartments and Villas Golden Mile Marbella
Not for nothing has Marbella been called the St Tropez of southern Spain – a stylish, cosmopolitan resort that has long attracted the rich and famous, alongside thousands of ordinary holidaymakers seduced by its beautiful landscaping and unspoilt hidden corners.


Lost Dog

Very distressed ownners have lost a nine year old chocolate poodle only has one eye - can anyone suggest what they can do other than get the message out to as many people as possible


add it on facebook...lots more viewers on there aswell as put posters out there and get it on the local radio stations.....may just help?!
was it chipped, if so ring round all the local vets aswell, and if worse comes 2 the worse call the local torre dog pound?....ill ask around.

gd luck and keep us all posted if u find the dog, or any more info xxx

Commented Christine Davies in Torrevieja 2011-07-24 14:36:43 UTC

Holidays......Book your Holiday here

Mijas Holidays
Accommodation Rental Properties
Holiday Homes

Apartments and Villas on Mijas Costa Malaga
There is plenty to see and do around Mijas Costa. The various safe and clean beaches, with all the water sports you would expect from a Mediterranean resort. Less than a 15 minute drive takes you to the bustling and vibrant town of Fuengirola, where you will find bars, restaurants and entertainment to suit everyone. Malaga Airport is only 25 minutes drive away.


Vocal Harum comes to Los Balcones Change Of Night

Singing Duo
Mick & Joanna
Here at Old Tower Cyber Bar
Wednesday 20 July 2011
Starts 8pm til 10pm

For more info visit:

Los Balcones

Out thanks to Kevin and Peter for welcoming Vocal Harum to their bar, and making it all possible.

It was a good night and we all enjoyed listening to the music of the 50s to modern day.

Hope it won´t be too long before we see Vocal Harum back performing in Spain again.

Commented Kas in Los Balcones 2011-07-24 10:53:43 UTC

self fit solar water heaters

Low cost solar water heaters made by AUDARY NEW ENERGY

Here in Spain we have sunshine nearly every day, so why pay to heat your water
when the sun can do it for free.

our units come in kit form, easy to assemble and fit delivered free in the Costa Blanca


solar water heater import

I import and sell solar water heaters on the Costa Blanca made by Audary new energy

Audary is looking for some one to import and sell their solar equipment in Ibiza

With the aim of making Deno Solar a brand leader in Spain and support of a large international company


Petanca Doubles Competition

Rocajuna Petanca
We have a Doubles Petanca Competition, any combination of people. on.Saturday 06/08/11 9:30 registration for 10:00 start .All monies from registration to go as prizes.
16 pistes next to the Rocajuna Bar, Las Barcas .All nationality’s welcome we have French ,Spanish, Belgium, English, Scottish, Irish ,Dutch and a few others entered.
If interested call Jackie Lopez on 663144093 or e-mail [email protected]

Rocajuna Petanca
Tenemos un Dobla el Concurso Petanca, cualquier combinación de la gente. en. Sábado 06/08/11 9:30 registro para 10:00 comienzan sumas .Todo del registro para ir como premios.
16 pistes al lado de la Barra de Rocajuna, Las Barcas . Nacionalidades, tenemos francés, español, Bélgica, inglesa, escocesa, irlandesa, holandesa y algunos otros entrados.
Si llamada interesada Jackie Lopez en 663144093 o correo electrónico [email protected]


We give up responsibility for our own life at times when we think “I´m like that”. “things happen to me”, “that´s just the way life is”, taking responsibility, making choices, makes you responsible for yourself that way you will get more out of each day and tomorrow will be different because you choose it to be. Responsibility plus choice equals control and change just the same as any maths equation. A great formula for a new future. We just have to choose to use it.

Los Balcones


When someone walks up to you for guidance and help do not be apprehensive and threatened by them. Don't take them to be your competition.Take them into your fold and guide them along. Knowledge grows by sharing not by preserving!!

Los Balcones


Loyalty is regarded as one of the great traits in people, but loyalty to who and what maybe a better view.

If we are being loyal to others and other things against our own wishes then this is not true loyalty. Standing up for ourselves, our plans and others that we believe in against views and opinions of others this is showing loyalty.

Being loyal to ourselves first is the first step of true personal freedom.

Los Balcones
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