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This Week I Have Been Duped At Cagney's Bar!!!!!!

Just to warn all the businesses on the urb that unfortunately I was duped this week at Cagney's bar. My fire extinguishers were due to be changed in May this year. A Spanish chap came into the bar on Monday, speaking no English at all. He told me my extinguishers were due for change in May and he was here to do so. I had been expecting them to be changed so allowed him to bring me in a new extinguisher. He gave me a bill, which unfortunately I paid. He said he would just go and get the other two for me. I didn't see him again. He gave me a receipt with his name JOSE GOMEZ and a telephone number 633 457 914. I later rang the number but the phone was cut off. Feeling frustrated and out of pocket I realised I'd been had. Tuesday morning I tried the number again and he answered!! Asking where my two other extinguishers were he said he'd bring them tonight at 7pm. Slight glimmer of hope at my trust in mankind but sadly a no show. Lo and behold yesterday the real company turned up. I was told my extinguisher had been stolen from a business in Benidorm and was given a number to report to the police. He then gave me a very good discount on my bill to compensate for my loss. I was given an accurate description of the man with the same name as mine, saying he was a 'bandido'. I was also shown a copy receipt taken on a mobile phone that matched mine.
The Spanish man is tall, mid 50-60, speaks no English and now I think about it seemed quite agitatated and just wanted to get away. He kept telling me how hot me was! No wonder! At the time it happened Chris from Los Amigos/Sam's Bar was in so he can back me up with the description. I was told that people come into the bar, casing the joint as they say, and they check the renewal date on your extinguishers, hence the reason why he knew when mine were due for renewal.
I'm just tellling this so that no one else has to experience this so please do be vigilent. Corruption is a huge problem in Spain so we have to try and stamp it out in La Marina.

La Marina